Turnbull China Bikeride
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/* $Id: arcdraw.h,v 1.0 1996/1/5 08:31:37 $
* $Log: arcdraw.h,v $
* Acorn RISC OS draw file format objects*
#ifndef arcdraw_h
#define arcdraw_h
/* --- Rectangular box: bounding boxes, etc. --- */
typedef struct {int x0, y0, x1, y1;} pldraw_box;
typedef int pldraw_sizetyp;
typedef int pldraw_coltyp;
typedef int pldraw_pathwidth; /* 1 word */
typedef pldraw_box pldraw_bboxtyp;
/* Types of join */
typedef enum
{ join_mitred = 0,
join_round = 1,
join_bevelled = 2
} pldraw_jointyp;
/* Types of cap specification */
typedef enum
{ cap_butt = 0,
cap_round = 1,
cap_square = 2,
cap_triangle = 3
} pldraw_captyp;
/* Types of winding rule */
typedef enum
{ wind_nonzero = 0,
wind_evenodd = 1
} pldraw_windtyp;
/* Dash types */
typedef enum
{ dash_absent = 0,
dash_present = 1
} pldraw_dashtyp;
/* Values used for pack/unpack of draw data */
#define packmask_join 0x03
#define packmask_endcap 0x0C
#define packmask_startcap 0x30
#define packmask_windrule 0x40
#define packmask_dashed 0x80
#define packshft_join 0
#define packshft_endcap 2
#define packshft_startcap 4
#define packshft_windrule 6
#define packshft_dashed 7
/* A Path style */
typedef struct
{ unsigned char joincapwind; /* 1 byte */ /* bit 0..1 join */
/* bit 2..3 end cap */
/* bit 4..5 start cap */
/* bit 6 winding rule */
/* bit 7 dashed */
unsigned char reserved8; /* 1 byte */
unsigned char tricapwid; /* 1 byte */ /* 1/16th of line width */
unsigned char tricaphei; /* 1 byte */ /* 1/16th of line width */
} pldraw_pathstyle;
typedef char pldraw_fontref; /* 1 byte */
typedef unsigned int pldraw_fontsize; /* 4 bytes, unsigned */
typedef enum
{ pldraw_OBJFONTLIST = 0,
pldraw_OBJTEXT = 1,
pldraw_OBJPATH = 2,
pldraw_OBJSPRITE = 5,
pldraw_OBJGROUP = 6,
pldraw_OBJTEXTAREA = 9,
pldraw_OBJTEXTCOL = 10
} pldraw_tagtyp;
typedef struct { int x,y; } pldraw_objcoord;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
* File header
typedef struct
{ char title[4];
int majorstamp;
int minorstamp;
char progident[12];
pldraw_bboxtyp bbox; /* 4 words */
} pldraw_fileheader;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
* General header for graphic objects
typedef struct
{ pldraw_tagtyp tag; /* 1 word */
pldraw_sizetyp size; /* 1 word */
pldraw_bboxtyp bbox; /* 4 words */
} pldraw_objhdr;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
* Elements within a path *
typedef enum
{ pldraw_PathTERM = 0, /* end of path */
pldraw_PathMOVE = 2, /* move to (x,y), starts new subpath */
pldraw_PathLINE = 8, /* line to (x,y) */
pldraw_PathCURVE = 6, /* bezier curve to (x3,y3) with 2 control points */
pldraw_PathCLOSE = 5 /* close current subpath with a line */
} pldraw_path_tagtype;
typedef struct { pldraw_path_tagtype tag; int x,y; } Path_movestr;
typedef struct { pldraw_path_tagtype tag; int x,y; } Path_linestr;
typedef struct { pldraw_path_tagtype tag; int x1,y1;
int x2,y2; int x3,y3; } Path_curvestr;
typedef struct { pldraw_path_tagtype tag; } Path_closestr;
typedef struct { pldraw_path_tagtype tag; } Path_termstr;
typedef union /* Use ONLY for space checking purposes */
{ Path_movestr a;Path_linestr b;Path_curvestr c;Path_closestr d;Path_termstr e;
} Largest_path_str;
typedef union
{ Path_movestr *move;
Path_linestr *line;
Path_curvestr *curve;
Path_closestr *close;
Path_termstr *term;
char *bytep;
int *wordp;
} Path_eleptr;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
* Optional dashpattern *
typedef struct
{ int dashstart; /* 1 word */ /* distance into pattern */
int dashcount; /* 1 word */ /* number of elements */
} pldraw_dashstrhdr;
typedef struct
{ int dashstart; /* 1 word */ /* distance into pattern */
int dashcount; /* 1 word */ /* number of elements */
int dashelements[6]; /* dashcount words */ /* elements of pattern */
} pldraw_dashstr;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
* Unpacked joint,start cap,end cap structure - as fed to drawmod_stroke etc *
typedef struct
{ char join;
char endcap;
char startcap;
char reserved; /* must be zero */
int mitrelimit;
short endtricapwid;
short endtricaphei;
short starttricapwid;
short starttricaphei;
} pldraw_jointspec;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
* A path
typedef struct
{ pldraw_tagtyp tag; /* 1 word */
pldraw_sizetyp size; /* 1 word */
pldraw_bboxtyp bbox; /* 4 words */
pldraw_coltyp fillcolour; /* 1 word */
pldraw_coltyp pathcolour; /* 1 word */
pldraw_pathwidth pathwidth; /* 1 word */
pldraw_pathstyle pathstyle; /* 1 word */
} pldraw_pathstrhdr;
typedef struct
{ pldraw_tagtyp tag; /* 1 word */
pldraw_sizetyp size; /* 1 word */
pldraw_bboxtyp bbox; /* 4 words */
pldraw_coltyp fillcolour; /* 1 word */
pldraw_coltyp pathcolour; /* 1 word */
pldraw_pathwidth pathwidth; /* 1 word */
pldraw_pathstyle pathstyle; /* 1 word */
pldraw_dashstr data; /* optional dash pattern, then path elements */
int PATH;
} pldraw_pathstr;
/* end of drawtypes.h */